The recipient ewes are sedated and placed in a cradle and have their bellies shorn and cleaned in preparation for embryo implantation.
After what seems like months of frantic activity with the Sydney Royal and preparation for the embryo transplant program, finally on Thursday the eggs were implanted and it was all over until lambing. On Tuesday we helped our friends at Royalla Dorpers with their ET program and then it was on to us for ours on Thursday. The whole process is very labour intensive and we couldn't have managed it without the generous help of our friends and neighbours. The heavy work of lifting the sheep into and out of the cradles is very tiring when you are not used to it (maybe we should have been trawling the local gyms for helpers). It is also important to keep the sheep as calm as possible as stress can impact on the success of the program. On the human front stress was added to the program when the power company let us know just days before that there would be no power on the day! Fortunately we were able to convince them of the importance of timing etc and they lent us a generator. That solved the problem of power to the shed but didn't help the situation of providing lunch and morning tea to 10 people - Th
Now we can get on with all the jobs that have been on hold during the summer, unfortunately it is a list as long as your arm. Any volunteers for cleaning the oven?
Now we can get on with all the jobs that have been on hold during the summer, unfortunately it is a list as long as your arm. Any volunteers for cleaning the oven?