One of our old original ewes lambed yesterday, she has had a lot of quality offspring since she was born in 2004. Due to her age we kept her close to the house and fed her what was obviously a too rich diet of nuts and grains. As a result she had a difficult birth, and with the night temperature at -6, the lamb was nearly dead the next morning, and had not had a drink. I brought it into the laundry, and immersed her in a bath of quite warm water for over half an hour. The lamb responded and we fed it with a tube directly into the stomach. We then needed to prop the lambs head so the milk could not flow back to the wind pipe. I was sure she was a goner, but amazingly she has survived. She also received a B vitamin shot which seems to help things along. And her mother has taken her back!
Just like the other guys, except for the paddock fashion.