Lambing is finally finished and all the lambs are marked the ewes drenched and injected with a long acting dewormer and all moved onto fresh pasture. We should have a break in our workload now until weaning in Jan/Feb.
This is the first time we have used the Cydectin Long Acting Injection for sheep, we are hoping that it will carry the flock through until weaning without needing to drench again. The company info says: "This new formulation of Cydectin Kills resident worms and protects sheep against new infection by small brown stomach worm and barber's pole worm for at least 91 days and by black scour worm for up to 49 days". We will watch and evaluate. We were considering using the long acting capsules that are placed in the stomach. However, we saw the size of the capsule and the equipment to insert them and decided it was not for us, people told us stories of success with this capsule as well as stories of sheep being killed with incorrect insertion.We preceded the injection with a broad spectrum ( 3-1) oral drench, this removes any resistant worms. An expensive business, but hopefully, will save us in time and effort.
The additional benefit of this program, is that it actually helps to reduce worm numbers on the pasture, the sheep acting as a sort of vacuum cleaner for worm larvae.
The additional benefit of this program, is that it actually helps to reduce worm numbers on the pasture, the sheep acting as a sort of vacuum cleaner for worm larvae.