On the new block there is a section of boundary fence that is just plain wire which was all fine until we brought home some sheep that had been on agistment. Then the trouble started and these sheep started to push through into the neighbours places. Then they taught the well behaved sheep the drill and at one stage we found most of the stud living very comfortably in the neighbours house paddock, lounging under his pine trees and eating his grass.
Martin and Meg
So after meeting all the neighbours and agreeing we should have a valley bbq. It is time to fence. Fortunately the plain wire fence is in good condition and we only need to cut away any overhanging trees and then roll out the hinge joint. It takes a little while to attach the wire but much faster than starting a fence from scratch. The biggest problem with keeping the fences sound around here is the wombats. They have the attitude that they were here first and we are just annoying johnny come lately types getting in their way. So they push up the fences and make doorways that the sheep then use.
I like the sound of a valley bbq, a days fencing (or perhaps I should say, a day as a fencing roustabout (is there such a thing?!) & a nice snag on the barby., just the thing :)