This week the big electric fence has been completed.The hingejoint is electrified, (using clipex posts) and the bottom ofset wire is electric, with the one above an earth. The older ewes have started lambing 10 have had twins and two singles, we are determined not to lose any of these to foxes. Eagles or bad weather may take their toll but not foxes (unless we accidently lock one inside the fence).
We have also bought Fox lights which people tell us are very effective, we are trying these on the electric fence and also have a llama wandering about. Due to the amount of time it takes to train and bond a guardian dog, we will have to wait till next year before adding them to the arsenal. I read that foxes cost farmers between $200 and $300 million a year in losses, imagine what they are doing to the wildlife, apparently they eat 300g of wildlife per day when lamb is not on the menu. (We are a little fox obsessed at the moment).