It really did happen, the satellite guy came and installed the new dish as promised and we are up and running again, supposedly at a greater speed. We may need a new router before the fully glory of the new system can be realised. I believe this is our little slice of the new "National Broadband Network", coming to a farm near your bigger and better than ever before. (Well, we live in hope).
The Sydney Royal was an adventure, much like last year. All the exhibitors arrived at 10pm on the night of the 7th April, but had to wait till almost midnight before we could unload our stock. We didn't get back to our accommodation until 2am, and needed to head back to the show by 7am. As a result everyone looked a little worse for wear for the rest of the show. We did best with our older ewes and got a third and fourth in their class. I read in "The Land" newspaper today, that someone took 30 years to win Supreme Champion with their dairy cows. I just hope we live long enough to take that one home.
We are now pretty much back to normal. Watching the worm levels in the sheep, and keeping an eye on the joining ewes. Then the slow countdown to lambing. We are selling all of our crossbred flock, we will need the feed for our Stud during the winter and the reduced stock numbers will mean we will have plenty of feed available for the ewes in the spring.